Salmon with Potato Turnip Tartare

4 salmon fillets (each 150 g )
1 kohlrabi
400 g potatoes
2 shallots
250 ml vegetable soup (cube)
1 tbsp. lemon juice
60 g rucola
olive oil
salt and pepper



Wash rucola and remove the coarse stems. Cut leafs into strips.Peel potatoes and kohlrabi and chop into small pieces. Peel shallots and chop finley.
Heat 1 tbsp. of oil and sauté the shallots and vegetables. Douse with soup, cover and simmer 5-10 minutes until al dente. Drain and thereby reserve the soup for marinade.
Mix well 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 4 tbsp. soup, salt, pepper, 3 tbsp. of oil and marinade vegetables. Fold in rucola and season with salt and pepper.
Season fish fillets with salt and pepper and fry on both sides.
Serve with tartar.