Sourcrout Fish Goulash

150 g leeks
2 red paprikas
5 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp. oil
1-2 tbsp. paprika powder
2 tbsp. tomato pureé
500 ml chicken soup (cube)
250 g sourcrout
2 potatoes
majoram, chili powder
salt, pepper
300 g codfish filet
3 tbsp. parsley (chopped)



Cut leeks into rings, dice red paprikas and garlic. Roast all in oil. Add paprika powder and tomatoe pureé, mix well and douse with chicken soup. Chop sourcrout and add it too. Shred peeled potatoes and stir in. Spice sourcrout with majoram, chilipowder, salt and pepper and let it cook for about 15 minutes.
Chop fish filet into 3cm cubes, spice with salt and add it to sourcrout. Let all simmer over low heat about 5 minutes.
Garnish goulash with parsley.