Sauerkraut with Turkey Dumplings

Turkey Dumplings
1 egg
1 package for potato dumplings, finished product (or homemade)
2 tbsp. parsley (chopped)
300 g turkey ham
2 onions
salt, pepper
1 bayleaf, 3 peppercorns
150 g turkey ham
5 juniper berries
1 kg sauerkraut
Potato Dough
1 kg potatoes
1 egg, 20 g butter, 30 g semolina
300 g flour
salt, nutmeg



Dice turkey ham and fry in oil. Add sauerkraut and spices pour in a little water, cover and simmer gently.
Remove bay leaf and season the sauerkraut with salt.
For the filling chop turkey ham finely. Sauté onion in oil add meat and fry all briefly. Stir in parsley and the egg. Season with salt and pepper.
Prepare potato dough. Form small balls from the filling, wrapped in dough and form smooth balls. Simmer dumplings in lightly salted water flowing about 20 minutes.
Potato dough: Boil potatoes in salted water until tender, drain, peel and press through a potato ricer. Add the ingredients and knead quickly into a smooth dough.