Paprika Beef Escalope

4 beef escalopes
150 g bacon (sliced)
500 g onions
30 g paprika powder
2 tbsp. tomato paste
1 tbsp. beef stock (cube)
1 yellow pepper
salt, pepper, marjoram
vinegar, oil



Cut bacon into 1/2 cm wide strips, peel onion, halve and cut into thinly slices.
Season steak with salt and pepper and fry in a little oil over high heat on both sides.
Lift from the pan and set aside. Roast onion in the frying residue until golden brown, add the bacon and fry. Reduce heat, stir in tomato paste and chili powder and roast all. Douse with soup and bring to a boil. Season with a dash of vinegar, salt, pepper and marjoram. Add escalopes and simmer covered about 1 hour.
Remove stalks and seeds from yellow pepper, dice and boil in salted water until al dente. Strain, refresh and drain.
Serve escalopes sprinkled with pepper cubes.