Pork Tenderloin with Cauliflowerpuree

1 cauliflower
400 g yellow carrots
70 g butter (softened)
1 tbsp. sugar
150 ml white wine
12 pork medaillions
2 tbsp. parsley (chopped)
salt, pepper, nutmeg
caraway (ground)



Divide cauliflower into small florets and cook soft in boiling salted water. Take out, drain and puree with butter.
Season with salt and nutmeg. Fold in parsley.
Peel yellow carrots and cut leafy. Caramelize sugar in a pan, add carotts and white wine. Add 1 tbsp butter, season with salt and caraway and cook until al dente.
Season pork medallions with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a pan and fry the medallions on both sides.


     Side dish: salad