Poil the potatoes. Quarter cabbage, remove stalk and cut
into 3 cm squares. Bring salted water to the boil and add cappage leaves
for 1 minute. Pour off water (reserve 500 ml), refresh with cold water
and squeeze cabbage.
Heat butter and sautée flour, stir in reserved water and bring to the
boil. Stir in creme fraiche and let all simmer for 15 minutes. Cool down
and fold in eggs and the half of cheese. Season to taste with salt and
pepper. Cover a casserole with butter and preheat oven to 180 °C. Peel
potatoes and cut them into 1 cm slices of thickness. Cut mushrooms into
slices. Dice onion and bacon, heat oil and sautée them lightly. Add
potatoes and then mushrooms. Spice with salt, pepper and crushed garlic.
Mix well potatoes and cabbage with the sauce, season to taste and place
all into a casserole. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for about 40 minutes. |