Chinese Cabbage Salad with Chicken Liver

1 chinese cabbage
150 g shallots
4 large tomatoes
4 tbsp. walnuts (chopped)
1 tsp. mustard
1 tsp. sugar
2 tpsp.vinegar
4 tbsp. oil
500 g chicken livers
salt and pepper



Wash chinese cabbage leaves and drain well. Remove stalks maybe.
Peel and chop finely the shallots and mix them well in a bowl with the mustard, vinegar, oil and sugar to a marinade. Season with salt and pepper.
Peel and core tomatoes and dice them.
Fry chicken livers briefly in a nonstick frying pan, simmer a few minutes and and spice with salt.
Arrange chinese cabbage leaves on plates, drizzle with marinade and sprinkle with tomatoe cubes and walnuts. Serve liver warm upon the salad.