Garden Salad

Ingredients for 8 people

5 tbsp. vinegar
8 tbsp. oil
1 chive
2 tbsp. horseradish
2 bunches of radishes
1 cucumber
2 onions
2 lye rolls
2 lettuces
400 g cabanossi (or salami)
salt, pepper, sugar



Marinade: Mix vinegar, salt, pepper and a little sugar. Whisk in 5 tbsp. oil.
Wash and finely chop the chives and fold in. Flavour with horseradish. Wash the radishes and cucumber. Peel the cucumber. Cut or slice everything into thin slices.
Peel the onions and cut into thin slices. Mix everything with the marinade. Dice the bread rolls and fry in 3 tbsp. oil until golden brown.
Wash and dry the lettuce and tear the leaves into smaller pieces. Cut the sausage into thin slices.
Mix the lettuce, sausage and croutons into the radish and cucumber salad. Season to taste.